Thursday 2 October 2008

Oh Apple!

A good old ding-dong is going on between two eminent academics at a level of celebrity bitching that just has to be aired somehow as a TV debate - a debate that would surely be more interesting and engaging than many of the political TV debates that our nations' and the world's future seem to hang on.

Prof. AC Grayling holds exactly the opposite views on Intelligent Design to Prof. Steve Fuller who feels ID should be taught in schools.

The subject may be Intellegent Design but the debate at times could hardly be called intellectual or intellegent turning to personal insult at times. Grayling describes Fuller's new book Dissent over Descent as "300 pages of wasted trees".

If someone could get these two together in a TV studio or even better still a boxing ring I'd be the first with my money out for the 'pay to view' coverage. I'm thinking the odds are in Grayling's favour for an intellectual knockout but hopefully not too early on in the bout - lets see some action!

oh apple!
how did you come to be
so tasty?

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